Lil' Ray Ray- A nursery Rhyme

Here's a story about lil' Ray Ray

who thought he was all grown up.

But when all was done and said,

It was his mother who knew what was up.

See, Lil Ray Ray would always get mad

when mommy would scold or direct him.

He would argue and fuss till mommies face would be flushed

When all she wanted to do was protect him.

Then one day Lil' Ray Ray got bold,

and decided he was too old to stay.

Without saying a word or leaving a note,

Lil Ray Ray went on his way.

He had nowhere to go and no money to spend,

And Lil Ray Ray was soiled an hungry.

He had been out in the cold with all of his clothes,

and no mommy to do all his laundry.

He cried a he sat on a dirty old couch,

that lay in a dark dirty alley,

an thought about mommy and his warm cumfy bed

As the crew from the street were in rally.

"What ya doing here kid, you should be at home"

said the man with the small t-shirt on.

"I bet ya ran away, but you'd better not stay."

"When the police come around. Get gone"

So Lil Ray Ray grabbed his clothes and walked away,

Trying hard to not look at the men.

and just as he did he saw flashing red lights,

and this's where the chase begins.

He ran and he ran as fast a he could,

till Lil Ray Ray could run no more.

Then he looked up and was in shock.

he was standing right at mommies door.

He thought about running but the thought didn't last,

He knew that this had to stop.

But little did Lil Ray Ray know,

He had ventured out for just one block.

See, Ray Ray was lost, he thought he was grown,

And knew it with everything inside him.

But when the going was rough and the picture was clear

He needed his mommy to guide him.

So Ray Ray went in with a smile and a grin,

and kissed his mom on the hand.

And said" Mommy, I've been a bad boy."

"Please teach me to be a Good Man"

B.Alexander 2009

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Lil` Ray Ray- A nursery Rhyme

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